30 Mar 2010


Doesn't this advert look delicious! Its for an ice cream called Kapiti. Yummy.

Spring Break 2010

No not as glamorous, just the easter holidays. I have 2 weeks off from uni, and i am going to enjoy them. It will be the last time I get to do.......nothing. I thought about going back home to London, but the thought of changing trains and packing/unpacking put me off. And as most of my housemates are staying for the holidays, we might as well carry on. Two week party anyone??? I think yes!


28 Mar 2010

Nan, is that a sausage!

This weekend I went to a small town near Lincoln called Alford. I went with afew of my housemates because it was Megan's dad's birthday. We played some cool games her gran got us playing. Consequences (very funny) and The Blanket Game, where you pass random objects from around the house under a blanket in a circle. You then have to, without looking, guess what they are. One was a soggy dog toy, a rubber duck...and a raw sausage! Thanks Megan's nan....the look on peoples faces (and mine) when the sausage got passed around was priceless. She knew what she was doing!........such a good weekend.


23 Mar 2010

Can you pass the Ketchup?

Just a pic of the, personally made, Tomato award I won from the advertising legend that is Alex Taylor. I had a day workshop with her and it was amazing. It made me want to get into Advertising right now! But no....have to wait till I graduate. I won the award for a homework brief she set us, to re-art direct an old ad for the Ford Chevrolet Lumina. Tom has his own Copywriting workshop next week. I hope it goes as well.

My flatmate Natalie came 1st place, winning her own tomato. Im glad she won.......she did spend more time on hers!


You say Tomato!.....

Last week I had my own workshop with the advertising legend Alex Taylor. She came for a day, all the way from Saatchi & Saatchi, to give the Art Directors on our course a workshop. It was Fantastic. I learn so much! She showed us afew of her own winning projects and told us about her journey, from student to Head of Art. She is amazing, a real role model, especially to us female Directors. Alex has come far in her life and i hope to follow in her footsteps.
Cheesy part over. She actually loved one of my ads (from a small homework brief she gave us for the day). Alex turned it into a competition, rewarding me a 2nd place Tomato award. I am so pleased with it and my work. I cant believe I won!!
The last words Ms. Taylor told us, will stick with me..."It's the best job in the world."

Thankyou Alex! Please come again.
