28 Feb 2011


The new KIA ad with Kurtis Blow- classic tune. It makes me laugh every time. "ergh.......the nappies"

Gangster Beetles



“A restaurant in London’s Covent Garden is serving a new range of ice cream, made with breast milk. The dessert, called Baby Gaga, is churned with donations from London mother Victoria Hiley, and served with a rusk and an optional shot of Calpol or Bonjela. Mrs Hiley, 35, said if adults realised how tasty breast milk was more new mothers would be encouraged to breastfeed. Each serving of Baby Gaga at Icecreamists costs £14.“

This is disgusting, I mean £14 for ice-cream??? I wouldn't mind the shot of Calpol or Bonjela, but Ill pass on the breast milk thanks.

Because we're Special!

24 Feb 2011

The Black Hole

Be careful, dont get too greedy!

19 Feb 2011

The Black Mamba

Kobe Bryant is the Black Mamba. Short film by Nike with some big names; Kanye West, Bruce Willis, directed by Robert Rodriguez.
A Nike Basketball Production. They have gone all out on this one. Good short film with some funny bits.

"Hero's come and go....but legends are forever."

17 Feb 2011


This is a short film I made with a few course mates whilst at uni. (Just found it again) We were given the idiom "Better to be safe than sorry" and had to create a story from it. The film is quite graphic, but the shock technique works.....I think. Anyway it was fun to make, and the couple in it are still together!

15 Feb 2011

This is what my parents told me...

We're going to Disneyland!

I couldn't find the UK version of this ad, but the concept is so clever. Disney launched its new campaign on Sunday, in the UK. The tagline is "The magic begins when you tell them". The ads were created with real, family home videos of parents telling their kids in different ways. I love the idea because my parents surprised me with a trip to Disney World Florida when I was 9. They told me we were going to Portugal, (not that going to Portugal isn't cool) I just wasn't that excited. We were in-line to board the plane and im thinking 'why are there so many americans in the queue?'. My mum tells me to check the tickets, which say Orlando Florida. Took me a while to clock on, but eventually I reacted as if I had just won the lottery. Its a great idea, and I am definitely going to surprise my kids the same way.

10 Feb 2011

Got Milk?

So WHY are we still drinking boring old white cow's milk, when we could be drinking a strawberry flavoured Hippo milkshake???

......it's pink it must be strawberry flavoured.

Shut-up & Drink it!

8 Feb 2011

If on Crack, Dont Kodak

I found this article about the Do's and Don'ts of nights out, here's a part about those lovely friends who decide to take photos of you at your worst.
"The camera is not your friend, it’s a bastard enemy. Why do people choose the evenings when they’re at their most ugly and stupid to spend the night pointing cameras at themselves and each other? Round these people up and leave them to die on an island. A twisted mouth, one eye rolled back in your head, mascara and eyeliner applied like bruises beneath sweaty hair on a prostitute’s red face and clothes stained with every liquid in the room isn’t a look that needs preserving in a digital format for strangers to view on the internet for all eternity."

Also...(from personal experience of my lovely mates capturing our nights out...) I find you end up looking like a surprised meerkat who's been caught having a fit in the middle of the dancefloor. You've also been caught singing along to whatever song was on, but in the photo it looks more like a disabled lion attempting to roar. And then you spend the next day on facebook, having a good old Untagging session.

Should you have gone out? Would you do it all again, and wear the same shoes? YES.

Important to Know

7 Feb 2011


(The bastards put the video under infringement, so here is the YouTube link: 'RASTAMOUSE'

This is the best kid's show since the 90's. Rastamouse! He will probably haul together a bobsled team in later episodes. Mi gon fi watch dis whole episode now. We all know what type of Cheese these rasta's are after...