28 Oct 2010


Yum, they look like pop-tarts with blue icing. Could be easy to make, ill let you know if i give it a go. The perfect treat whilst watching Avatar on dvd.......not sure about going the extra mile with the leaves though : S

27 Oct 2010

Doz online Grmr annoy u?

It annoys me a little too, especially when people misspell words. (Word check is only a right-click away!) I dont mind short-hand so much because I am guilty of taking the easier/quicker route...'U' instead of 'You'. 'R' instead of 'Are".

Grammar Blogger - Hyperbole and a Half

This guy has created his whole blog around online grammar and spelling. He is unforgiving.....but he does it in a funny way.

14 Oct 2010

Purple Potatoes??

This is yesterdays dinner, meatballs and mash........ yes, purple mash. I know it looks bizarre but apparently these 'new' Purple Majesty potatoes are high in antioxidants, so they are good for you! They actually taste just like normal potatoes. I thought it was abit weird at first, they are so bright. But they taste superb, so try them. Add something colourful to your plate.