22 Apr 2011

What were they thinking!

This is an actual logo designed in 1973 for the Catholic Church’s Archdiocesan Youth Commission. It even won an award from the Art Directors Club of Los Angeles. Amazing.

12 Apr 2011

Jokes ting

I want it! I want it! I want it!

This cute little guy is an Egyptian Tortoise aka "Kleinmann's Tortoise". He is the size of a grape (probably not an M&S grape, maybe a more normal sized Tesco/Asda/market grape). This one's name is Tiny Tim, he was found, along with a small litter, by HM customs last year after some git's tried to bring them into the illegal pet trade. Tim is living the slow life at Whipsnade Zoo in Bedfordshire where him and his mates have their own apartment and specially made electronic wheelchairs (kidding). Ironically the slow species is now extinct in Egypt, and nearly the whole world : (
HELP SAVE THEM! Im going to do my best and see if I can buy one on eBay, preferably in Blue to match a pair of shoes I have just brought.

8 Apr 2011

Scare Your Dog Shitless

I unfortunately dont own a dog, (if I did I would have a Pug. PUG LIFE!) but I must have one of these. Such a cool idea. Your dog wont step out of line ever again. And once your dog is too scared to even look at its own tail, you can start using this invention on passers-by. They'll love it!

Povodokus sports a gun-shaped handle, which retracts the leash when you need to control your target dog. It’s a sure shot! The lead goes out freely as the dog pulls and reels in when you pull the trigger. (Designed by: Art Lebedev Studio)

6 Apr 2011


A great little film. Its the classic story of Little Red Riding Hood, with a twist. Very funny and has a cool soundtrack which even features Ann Hathaway singing. Give it a watch, and I hear they're making "Hoodwinked Too" out later this year. (The goat song is the best)

4 Apr 2011


Its a bit cruel to force all the other trees to watch and be reminded of what happened to their tree friends, who were cut down to make this contraption.....but it is a good ad. The tree's are thinking "that could have been me!"

3 Apr 2011

And I thought Leo drew it : (


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